
Life-Affirming Green

Sunday Stills Photography challenge this week – Green Macro or Close-Up

Green Dots

Green Moss_1_edited

The word Green automatically made me think of trees and luscious bush.

As it’s nearing to St Patrick’s Day, not one vision of a green mythical Irish person came to mind. For one thing, I have no photographs of such things, though I do have many of our trip to Ireland and the Squire sipping a local pint.

I digress.

So back to the topic of nature and here are a few photographs of my interpretation of the Sunday Stills Photography Challenge.

Capturing green grapes and leaves when the sun is low and the colour is more vivid.

Green grapes_1_edited

Green Dots

New leaves_1_edited

We are heading into autumn which rarely has green as it’s feature colour. Though many of my fellow blogger followers hail from the Northern Hemisphere where spring is slowly popping her sleepy head with a burst of green.

Green Dots

The koru

Whereas, in the deep New Zealand forest, there is a continuous growth of ferns. The new shoots are an iconic shape.

The Koru (Māori for “bight” or “loop”) is a spiral shape based on the shape of a new unfurling silver fern frond and symbolizing new life, growth, strength and peace. It is an integral symbol in Māori art, carving and tattoos. The circular shape of the koru helps to convey the idea of perpetual movement while the inner coil suggests a return to the point of origin.

Green Dots

Then the best green of all to indulge in for the next few months is feijoas. As corny as it sounds, it really is the smallest things in life that can bring happiness if only for a moment on our lips and hopefully not on our hips.

What is Sunday Stills all about?

In Terri’s words:

Sunday Stills is a photography challenge with a weekly theme (similar to the now-defunct WPC). Each Sunday I post the weekly theme with images of my own interpretation. Any blogger is welcome to participate and interpret the challenge with their photos, poems, stories, music, etc!


Sunday Stills photo challenge

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This weeks challenge – Green Macro or Close-Up

37 thoughts on “Life-Affirming Green”

  1. Lovely greens Suzanne, I love green. The grapes are a fabulous shot, backlit like that. But I think you have a typo in your post, you are surely heading into autumn 😆 when I suspect your world turns more golden, though if you are still having a dry spell, maybe not this year.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Wendy and yes we have a couple of old large trees at the Lawyers residence which we have permission to raid. So looking forward to overindulging. With the amount of training I am doing at the moment, no worry about eating a few more 🙂 . Les is keeping away from crowds as you do with a very low immune system. Keep well too xx

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I have been AWOL for a very long time but coming up for air, blinking in the sunlight and generally feeling able to engage again I am absolutely delighted to find you. Number 22 happens to be my lucky number and that verdant green photo enriches my soul and lights me up with hope. Thank you Suzanne

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for giggle Janis as I imagined you and said squirrel vying for the fruit 🙂 🙂 In all seriousness I hope you do have a good crop this year. They are tasty and we certainly overindulge in them.

      Liked by 1 person

        1. I have used in baking e.g. Feijoa crumble [same as apple just using feijoas], muffins have made jam though can’t remember what recipe I used. Might need a setting agent like a lemon?

          Most of all just eating them by scooping. They do have a short shelf life, so making a chutney or relish out of them is another good way to reduce the waste. Enjoy your harvest.

          Liked by 1 person

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