Life at No.22, Musings, Poetry

When Night turns to Light

I love the morning 
When the dark turns to blue
As if the earth has yawned.

When the silence becomes noise
When that noise
Is musically in tune.

Woken up and stretched
Time to part my way
From a bed of crinkled sheets.

To be amongst that dawn chorus
Joining in out of tune
With my squeaky shoes

Clouds and the sun
Play peek-a-boo
In between bursts of colour.

Still air to westerly breeze
My whole being
Embracing the sunrise.

19 thoughts on “When Night turns to Light”

    1. Arghh, I nearly made you reconsider the merits of being a morning person but not quite. I will have to try harder next time πŸ˜‰ Yes, I am not a night owl, I leave that to Les.


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