Life at No.22, Musings, Poetry

Change the end digit – it’s 2024

Happy New Year to you all.

I am behind in publishing a post to celebrate a new year. Perhaps a lack of celebratory vigour might explain it, which is partly due to the news we received from the Squires specialist in Auckland during December.  Meaning we are still living surrounded by undetonated “health” bombs. What is it about the end of the year and us receiving news we don’t really want to hear? 

It is what it is.

Wharepai Park, which is very close to our front door.

Moving on like a summer breeze, we navigate each day with humour, exercising around parks, beaches, and estuaries and savouring excellent coffee while acknowledging a new sunrise.

As days pass. 

We are planning.

We are dreaming. 

We are keeping ourselves healthy as best as we can and enjoying long summer days. 

Tauranga Harbour view.

Hoping that one day, we shall be free to explore our wider world with no umbilical cord attached to medical establishments

Much Aroha from us both, XX

Those carefree summer days weren’t that long ago, were they?.

At the back, Uncles Rich, Bill and Nana [the three siblings] – In the front, Mum, brother, sister and I at the beach in Gisborne – two brothers and a father [photographer] missing in action

Memories of what we love to do is on the rise.
Running barefeet on grass
dodging prickles and fickle siblings.

The sky like candy in the west
Where the wind and the sun die down
Watch light flickering in the bounce.

Of flowing water on Mokorua gorge stones
When in the distance
Your mother's voice calling you home

Oh yes, I changed my “Who am I?” page. At about the same time, I rearranged our living areas. Change is as good as a holiday, so they say.

39 thoughts on “Change the end digit – it’s 2024”

    1. A brief summary of it – donor cells are decreasing and deformed T Cells are growing. Hopefully, going off cyclosporine will enable the donor cells to kill off the bad T Cells. Complicated progress. Thanks for thinking of us.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Happy New Year to you and the Squire Suzanne. All our lives start changing even if we don’t want them to. We can’t stop that change, but we can always adapt to it. It’s good to see that you seem to be doing just that – and there’s always somebody out there waiting to read your blogs about your wonderful travels.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Enjoyed your new “who am I?” page and the photos and poems. No fun about the troubling health news, but I see you take things in stride and strive for a positive outlook – all for the best. Have a wonderful 2024!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks very much, Eilene and pleased you enjoyed the new page. It was overdue for a shakeup. I try to be positive, and if not then pounding the footpath goes along way to achieving it. All the best to you and yours in striving for a wonderful 2024.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m sorry to hear you’ve had that disappointing news but I can see that you’re both continuing to approach things with positivity and an appreciation of the good stuff in life. Happy New Year to you both.

    Liked by 1 person

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