Life at No.22, Poetry, Snapshots of Tauranga

Snapshots of Tauranga #7

Feeling the summer warmth
and a humid breeze.
My floppy sunhat on top

and towel flung
over my shoulders.
I'm strolling and collecting
pretty beach shells.
Luckily there's enough
to decorate a castle.
Next to where I will sit
and daydream.
Of a lucky girl
living in one.

Joining in with Rebecca and her poetry challenge which involves creating a Haibun or Haiku using that elusive word for many of us – “Luck”. As this haibun suggests, we can create our own luck.

21 thoughts on “Snapshots of Tauranga #7”

  1. I’m so bad at remembering the rules of poetry but I can generally manage a haiku, and the beach is the perfect place for them, Suzanne. It’s a while since I had a little helper to create a castle like that.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Jo, I can never remember the rules and I usually just create them without them as I’m still learning. Rebecca reminded us that it can be 50 words or less. I didn’t create the sandcastle I came across it.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s just about enjoying the words and where they lead, isn’t it? Rebecca does it well.
        I often come across sandcastles much finer than I ever built, but sometimes they’re half washed into the sea,

        Liked by 3 people

  2. Apologies, Malc, I had to rescue you from my spam folder. For some weird reason, as you certainly don’t belong in there.
    Pleased it resonated with you.


    1. Thanks, Anabel. Sandcastle was created by another creative soul. I can see you standing by the window deciding which part of your kingdom you will explore this week.


        1. How did I miss that important bit? It might have something to do with coffee being sipped down here before I take off for a walk and then to my first Bridge lesson😊


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