Musings, Poetry

Larger than Life.

Sadly, this week
you said goodbye
for the last time.
A poem basks
in the sunshine
on a crisp
spring morning
bursting with memories.
The best days
spent laughing
and happily chatting.
Never short of
scrumptious food
and tall tales.
Larger than life
you and a pint
of Devonshire ale.
All seemed so idyllic.
Now we fill ourselves
with warm memories of you
to enjoy and tuck away
for another day.
Margaret to the right, Christopher and me – Les captured the photo.

We all laughed when you said, “My dear, I’m a thorn between two beautiful roses,” accompanied by your contagious laugh. Thanks for being such a treasure and showing us around parts of Devon and sharing your home with us. Though we met years before that trip, it feels like we have known you all for our entirety. It would be a taste of what was to come, years of travelling, which included many catch-ups with the Taylor family.

Much love to you all.

Larger than life, you lit up a room with your presence.

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