99 Word Stories, Musings

Dreamer #99wordstory

Her 15-year-old self longed to be a nomad, a world traveller, second to being a dreamer.

A rolling stone was the way to live life the way she pleased. There are no conventional strings to say she must adhere to motherhood and a husband in tow.

She became a 20-year-old hitchhiking dreamer and met the weirdest and most wonderful people who walked Aotearoa and beyond. Some she would walk alongside. She gleamed bizarre and fantastic sights and encountered zilch she couldn’t laugh or cry over. She’s never had a bad trip.

Apart from the 1980s, well, that’s another story.

35 thoughts on “Dreamer #99wordstory”

      1. Penny dropped when I was in the kitchen washing up after Sunday lunch with my mother whilst my boyfriend was in the lounge watching football on the TV with my dad and brother and I thought this could be my life.

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