The Blogger

Updated December 2023

Tree of Life

kept warm.
Wore short skirts.
Had a few romances
I've learnt many lessons.
I'm still learning to dance.
I learnt to get up and get dressed
Then get out and be blessed.
And try
success at what I love to do.

As of January 2019, we are no longer full-time nomads (my previous blog title was Globalhousesitterx2) due to the Squires cancer diagnosis and, eventually, in 2021, a Bone Marrow Transplant.

A blog title change was needed to reflect this and our new home in New Zealand. “Life at No.22” was created and included Globalhousesitterx2 posts. Apart from typing out a few words most days and publishing a weekly post or ocassionally more, I enjoy participating in group sports; I love long walks, cafes, cooking, baking, pushing those boundaries out, cycling, reading, writing, growing plants, art galleries, and supporting other creative souls. I was Diagnosed with ADHD in my late twenties.

One creative outlet I enjoy is using a lens, though not one pointing at me. Can you tell I do not like having my photograph taken? I must get a few new photos of myself and the Squire!

In a paddock on the grounds of St Mont Michel, France – captured by the Squire

74 thoughts on “The Blogger”

  1. What an adventurer you are. A half Marathon and Triathlon my goodness I bow before you, this is how a healthy 50 something woman can live. And long may you keep challenging adventuring and exploring. P.s. put that tongue away #tooCheeky

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nice to read about you and I am a walker as well Suzanne…My longest 26.2 miles, The Moon Walk it took me 6 hours and my poor hubbie was waiting half a mile from the finish line never knowing if I would make it but A promise is a promise and I did it!… I now to do much more sedate walks and no more than 8-10 K a day….but it suits me and more often than not it’s a modest 5k. Love gerring to know you πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Carol, well done for achieving the 26.2 miles! It is wonderful when you put your mind to achieve something and you do it. I found the walking was more mental work than physical most competitions! Yes, I no longer do more than 10kms at one time.
      Though never say never πŸ™‚ Aren’t we fortunate to have such amazing husbands who wait patiently at the finish line πŸ™‚ Enjoying getting to know you too!

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  3. Funny that you call NZ Downunder. I had only ever thought of Australia as that. And Kiwis call Australia, “Aussie” – it is funny all these slang words. The young ones are thinking of new ones all the time. I just heard “gatho” the other day and ‘totes’ for totally! Where will it end?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I suppose downunder is an Aussie thing, though as we are only a puddle away I do use it instead of using NZ all the time in a paragraph. Totes is an old one, though it meant something different. I wonder if the younger generations use it to eliminate the older people in conversations πŸ™‚ English is the most bastardised language with so many slang words.


      1. I don’t think the younger people use this abbreviated sort of language to exclude the older ones deliberately, even though it works to their advantage to accentuate the generation gap! I think it more related to sounding cool and, or, being a bit lazy with their speech! They do not want too sound too formal!!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi Suzanne, I just found you from your guest post over on Donna’s blog! Glad I found you, as we seem to be kindred spirits. I love a good cup of coffee, gardening, traveling, laughing – and I’ve walked 5 half-marathons. That said, I believe my hands don’t fit that β€œlawn mowing machine” and I’m fortunate that hubs fancies lawn mowing as his form of exercise! Glad I’ve discovered you! ~ Lynn

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lovely to “meet you” Lynn. Look forward to connecting more. Yes lawn mowing does tend to be a man’s job. As long as I am fed and watered afterwards I’m more than happy to do it 😁 The 1/2 marathons feel a lifetime ago!! I sometimes get the urge for a repeat performance then I think I don’t want to push my luck!!


      1. I’m with you! I found that in each half-marathon, somewhere around mile 9, I would find myself thinking, “Why in the heck am I doing this!” So for the past few years, I’m listening to that inner voice. But it was such an accomplishment for us when it happened, right? ~ Lynn

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  5. I love this Suzanne!
    I had no idea you had had such an interesting and varied career as well as your nomadic retired lifestyle! ❀

    So, do you have someone house sitting for you and looking after your orchard while you are house sitting? If someone else was house sitting for them, there could be an endless loop of people looking after each others homes!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Josy. We sold our orchard in 2008, I am so used to everyone knowing this that I omitted to write it in. Hard to believe it will be 10 years this Easter!! Time goes by too fast!!

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  6. You’re a kiwi and they are renowned for fixing everything with a piece of number 8 wire. I left 2 adult kids in NZ so I have an excuse to go back regularly. Maybe we will cross paths one day

    Liked by 4 people

  7. Suzanne, I just found you via Mel Life…One Big Adventure. I came to read what you are all about. Sorry to hear about the C word and the Squire. I hope all of that is going ok. I’m impressed with all of your accomplishments starting in your 50’s! I look forward to getting to know you through your blog. cheers.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi Suzanne – so glad I just found you! Or rather, you found me so that I could find you! I’m looking forward to reading more about your life and thoughts. And my Love, New Zealand. Sorry to hear about the squire…, but hope everything is under control. β™₯

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  9. I love your spirit, Suzanne. I’m so sorry about your husband’s diagnosis. I hope you are enjoying some adventures closer to home. How long were you full time nomads? My husband and I traveled full time for 2.5 years and now we’re waiting for covid to get under control, so we can start again. Take care and all the best.

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    1. Thanks Patti, we were full time nomads approx 4 years. I can’t imagine travelling will be a thing to do for a few more years? A wild guess on my part. Hope you’re enjoying adventures close to home.

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  10. Thank you for ‘liking’ my own ‘about me’ page πŸ™‚ I’m glad you dropped by as it’s led me here and I discover a fellow Number 22er (we live at a #22 house in a west London suburb πŸ™‚ ) I’m sorry to read about your husband’s diagnosis – I hope things are going OK for him at present? I have Australian friends just about to embark on a life as full-time nomads so it’s interesting to come across someone else who’s done the same thing. While we’re not nomads we ARE passionate travellers and can’t wait to get back out there and see more of the world when that is finally possible again!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome and thanks for “popping by” πŸ™‚ It is a small world, and many of us have similarities in our lives. Blogging has certainly introduced myself to many folks from various countries around the world. One day, I might head off travelling once again. Time will tell I suppose.

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  11. Hi, Nice to meet you Suzanne and I’ve just signed up to receive your future emails and to thank you for following me. While I’ve never been a nomad, my husband and I spent as much time as we could travelling and before retirement for about six years we worked only during the UK summer and took off for hotter climes in the winter, then on retirement the world was ours! He died 10 years ago and for a while I kept on travelling, obstinately insisting i could go it alone, but it wasn’t really enjoyable so I have cut down now to about one-tenth of what I did before. Anyway, I’m getting too old to risk the problems that can arise when too far from home and in the sort of places I like to travel. See you at No. 22

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for following, Maris and I look forward to sharing travelling experiences etc.
      Good on you for getting out there and travelling by yourself. It takes courage and I can imagine it’s never quite the same without your best friend/husband with you.
      There does come a point in our lives when travel no longer holds the interest it was once did. Not sure I have reached that point yet. Time will tell.


  12. Thanks for following my blog Suzanne and I’ve just reciprocated. This post resonates with me on several levels. Firstly, I share your pain at having to curtail your activities as I’ve had to do the same and secondly, your blogs look professional, interesting and covers a part of the world I don’t know anywhere near enough about. As frustrating as life can be when our travelling days are cut back, at least we can say that we’ve enjoyed the ride along the way, and of course, we can still write about our experiences. It’s a pleasure to make your aquaintance and please give my best wishes to the Squire and I hope that he is able to make a full recovery.

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    1. Hi Malc, mainly my posts are about New Zealand with occasionally making reference to our years of overseas travels which seem a lifetime ago. Thanks very much, for your kind thoughts and wishes. Here’s to sharing our individual experiences via our blogs.

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  13. Hi there Suzanne, hope you and the Squire are well. Please don’t replace that picture of yours. I, and obviously everybody else in your blogging community, love it. Somehow when I saw that today, and read your writing, your positivity has reached me, here all the way to Singapore. Looking forward to reading the rest of your adventures. πŸ™‚

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  14. If nothing else, WPs awful mistakes and mishandlings of our comments and photos have introduced us to other bloggers we might have hitherto missed, so pleased to meet you Suzanne. I’ve enjoyed reading your Who Am I blog and am full of admiration for your energy and get-up-and-go. Keep it up, you’re a poster girl for the women of a certain age! I will follow you, if WP permits me to, and hope to read of your summer ? in New Zealand. I’m on the other side of the world, the Isle of Wight off the south coast of England.

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  15. It’s funny, Suzanne, but these days most youngsters like to be in front of the camera in every circumstance. It’s so easy, isn’t it, but I just abhor the increasing wrinkles. Can’t stop time, though, and you are a lovely person and that’s the main thing. I enjoyed following you around the globe and I’ve admired your fortitude and wonderful support for Les. I hope the news isn’t too bad and you have many more years together. We take what we can get, don’t we?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Jo and yes we do take what we can get. We still feel very blessed with the opportunities that we have had and taking each day as it comes.


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