Housesitting in Turkey, Life of adventure

The Sunday Cycle

One particular morning, being Sunday, of course, I decided to cycle another way to purchase our usual Sunday treat. You don’t need a flashy, expensive bike to cycle around here; it’s a flat area [with quite a few bumpy bits to give you that added thrill] though it does have mountains surrounding it if you desire to be more adventurous. An essential accessory is a real loud working bell with a penetrating voice as a backup. Read on, and you will know why this is so important!.

Not only did I decide to go another way, by accident, but this ride also turned into a mini tiki tour to see a few Sokak that I have not ventured down.


Why not? So off I went. Now let me warn you if you do decide to do this, go off down away from familiar surroundings, make sure you update your Mapsme with the location of where you are staying; that way, it’s easier to find the correct direction to head in. Not that anyone would be able to get lost in Dalyan on a bike. Well, maybe just one kiwi lass who had not updated her offline navigation app. Just don’t tell anyone; after all, it is rather embarrassing!

Let’s get back on track to speak and focus on getting to where I can purchase our Sunday treat.

It was a warm sort of morning this particular Sunday, and I was in a daydream kind of mood. Not the best mindset to be in when cycling on a road that is usually a two-lane road which suddenly becomes a three-lane. Are you kidding me I thought as I glance up and see two tractors heading towards me!!. Time to cycle down less-busy roads and ones that have many trees to view.

One tree grown in abundance in this area is the pomegranate tree and some citrus and olive trees. Someone had a bright idea one year to plant these magnificent trees due to the health benefits of the fruit and found significant success. Like most things in life, everyone wanted a piece of the action. Then there was an over-abundance, prices dropped, and now many orchards lay disused.

At present, the fruit is growing; unfortunately for us, they will have ripened after we leave. We have access to pomegranate juice [no sugar added], which we have most mornings. You know to give us that added energy boost!

Check out some of its benefits HERE! Though I am not too convinced about all the advantages of digesting this liquid. My philosophy is if you enjoy it and if your body thrives, drink it or eat it in moderation.

Oh, did I mention I am a cynic at heart?

At this stage, let me point out, there is never a shortage in summer of fresh fruit, from figs, cherries, nectarines, peaches to name just a few and of course my favourite luscious fruit is the watermelon, which is another fruit grown in abundance around this area.

This is where the motivation for my Sunday morning bike ride comes in. It’s not that too far down the road [unless, of course, I decide to go for a tiki tour] to get my fix of that juicy, sticky sweet-tasting watermelon. The photo below is of the lovely woman that usually sells it, or occasionally her husband.

The fun bit is listening to her giggle as she drops the watermelon in the backpack I have on. Then I wave and with hand gestures that we both understand to mean; thank you.


23 thoughts on “The Sunday Cycle”

    1. Thanks, Hayley. The watermelon lady did not there today, I see the shop is now selling them at horrendous prices, the tourists have returned!!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Em. Lots of places to eat. Though we do avoid them as it damages the budget too much!! The best cafe we have been to was on our road trip in the middle of nowhere, non touristy and it had the best coffee and coffee we have had so far!


    1. It’s very good for the local economy and as a visitor we don’t mind paying extra. They only have a short window of opportunity to make money. Though it’s still annoying when only a few days ago the price was reasonable. Oh well might have to redirect my addiction to nectarines 🌞

      Liked by 1 person

      1. And why not there are so many lovely seasonal fruits to be had. But yes they do often only have a small window to make money but nethertheless it can be annoying 🙂 Enjoy your nectarines 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Deb, yes I found my way back. It’s amazing how a tall steeple can suddenly disappear from sight when using it as a guide! 🙂 The fruit and vegetables are enjoyable here, and so cheap compared to NZ. Too hot today 38deg!!!

      Liked by 1 person

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