Life of adventure, Travel, Wales

The Long Weekend in Wales Part2

Our first day saw us driving through the countryside from Shrewsbury to Conwy then the amazingly picturesque Snowdonia National Park where we stayed the night at a very old Inn.  See Part One here: A Long Weekend in Wales Part 1

On day three we were looking forward to heading to the Welsh coast.

Where did we stop?

Borth Area


Dyfi National Nature Reserve – Borth Bog (Cors Fochno) and Ynyslas Dunes was a fascinating find and one we enjoyed walking around.  Though not all areas were welcoming as part of the beach is sectioned off as it still has landmines from WW2 somewhere under those sand dunes.

Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru

The conservation efforts in this area are to be applauded.  The colourful descriptive boards which are all about what lies beneath the sea and on the seashore are attractive to read for adults and children alike.   Even in the toilets, they have the cycle of water from its source to the bathroom and beyond.

After wandering along the beach, we then headed along the coast to Borth which looked rather bleak.   A treeless ribbon of buildings along either side of a road built along the storm beach.  Some of the more interesting buildings are one storey cottages,  fashioned out of rounded beach boulders and roofed in slate, homes of long departed fishermen and mariners.

For more information: Dyfi Ynyslas National Nature Reserve



Walking along the road stopping at the odd shop to browse, as you do.  Then we headed over to where small groups of people who were either enjoying the glorious sunny weather sitting on benches alongside the harbour or families crab fishing. Incredible how much laughter can be heard when the sun is shining, it was a delight to listen to.


Then for contrast, we had a river in which to walk along with decorative seats to contemplate life in the shade if the sun was too much.

Unbelievably, it was that sort of afternoon in Aberaeron.


Wharf at Cardigan_edited

Those that know me are aware of my love of cardigans.  How could I not resist the curiosity of visiting a place with the unusual name of Cardigan?

The Squire was keen too for other reasons besides mine.  Mainly to do with being the fourth largest harbour in the UK.  Besides, it was on the way to our destination for the day, and we were in need of some substance, in the form of caffeine and food.

A repetitive and necessary business fueling the energy tank.



A very short walk around this village and up a steep hill to get a better view between a break in the clouds.  Magic!

Though you do take your life into your hands when walking around those narrow streets.  If like me you are trying to capture a few photos with a bus backing up and down the street to forego his exit due to another car zooming into his space.

Imagine living there with all those diesel fumes.  Years ago those who dwelled in there would not have had to contend with that issue.  What made me smile was a pub amongst them, when stepping out you are literally on the road.  For goodness sake, I hope many didn’t trip when having a skinful!

St Davids

St Davids village 3.jpg

More than just the UK’s smallest city with the Bishops Palace ruins to visit.  It is a base in which to walk miles around the coastline.   Quaint cafes, yarnbombing to even more intriguing pubs in which to rest in afterwards.

St Davids village 2_yarnbombing

What more could a person require?


Harbour sunset time_edited

Our accommodation for the night was a place on the main street looking out to sea, it is a popular place to frequent, so we found out.  An old-fashioned type of hotel, quite a few lined up along the promenade it would have been the place to be seen many years ago.   It was an adventure in itself and one we enjoyed participating in.

Our hotel by the seaside_1_edited

It was an end of a long day travelling, after booking into our hotel by the sea we were looking forward to a warmish night to relax by the seaside and indulge in some fish and chips, then a walk along the sea frontage.  Maybe not the most fabulous idea, the fish and chips, that is, not the walk, which was needed to digest that late meal.  One day we will remember that experience next time we are by the seaside and have that occasional urge for takeaways.


A quirky custom that we read about then witnessed is the kicking at the end of the pier. 

At the end of finishing their degrees students would walk from one end to the other, with a kick at the end for good luck.  We found it amusing to witness that on our morning walk to see two women practising that ritual.  Which, in the beginning, the kicking was done by the male students to alert the female students from another university that they were down by the sea frontage.

Devils Bridge – and falls

3 bridges on top of each other_1_edited.jpg

What was more fascinating than the walk or falls was the formation of three bridges on top of each other.  Usually, a bridge is built in another location though on reflection of seeing the terrain we could understand why they were built that way.

Jacab ladder.jpg

“Let’s do something different”, said us!  With that thought, we decided on Devils Bridge and a view of a few waterfalls.  Which we completed and survived the horrendous steps.

Cwm Valley [Elan Valley]

Just out of Rhydar_edited

Heading to the valley, we went through the township of Rhayader, which we thought might be worth a walk around and we were right.  It was also a waypoint so our GPS wouldn’t take us down roads we were choosing not to go.  I loved the incentive to linger longer, and that was to locate around the town 52 images that give a flavour of what’s on offer throughout the year.

Rhayader sign_edited

It was the drive not far from here that was worth a more extended stop and an even longer walk.  Big bonus when we parked the car it required no coins or pounds.  With a second glance back to see the sun peeking out of the clouds highlighting the hills behind the deep blue lake.  What a lovely serene countryside.  Making us think more than once of our homeland, New Zealand.

Through more scenic areas we head to our last destination for the day which would take us out of Wales and back to England.  Hereford was to be our overnight stop before our journey to Devon started the very next day.

Hereford cathedral


Our short journey through parts of Wales was the best weather wise weekend in five years.  Upon arrival at our various accommodations, we were greeted with these words,

“You are lucky, as you have had a grand day for it!”. 

And, indeed we had!

Thanks, Wales, we hope to return.

The Long Weekend in Wales Part 2


More information on planning a trip to Wales:

Devils Bridge Falls

Visit Wales

The Richmond Hotel – Aberystwyth

52 thoughts on “The Long Weekend in Wales Part2”

      1. I used to be fine, it really didn’t bother me. But these days I’m a wreak, probably a combination of the legs incident and a bad scare on a rope bridge with my son. I’ll still do stuff (don’t like giving in) but it doesn’t have take a toll on my nerves.

        I hope the scare was worth the effort 😀 it does look fabulous too.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Yes, the scare was worth it to see the falls and just to do a different type of walk. By the way I didn’t know about the steps until we got to them!! All good we survived 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  1. Love the promenade at Aberystwyth, Suzanne. It reminds me of Bath in a way. I enjoyed visiting Wales with you and St David’s and the other photos capture the weekend beautifully. I think there is a Jacobs Ladder at the Blue Mountains and the steps are pretty steep. I’m okay going up but always think i’m going to fall down.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Sue. Yes, I enjoyed the challenge going up than down!! The Blue Mountains are wonderful, beautiful views from up there. Bath architecture is much older.

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  2. Well that brought back some memories Suzanne! Borth Bog, what a desolate area that is! I almost got lost there once, when the fog came down on the bog! And Rhayader: I recall camping in the town centre, and leaving early the next morning: far too early for the collector of the nightly tariff, so we enjoyed a free overnight there!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Haha at trying to dodge the collector. Yes, you are right Denzil that coastal area is desolate and certainly didn’t have a positive vibe to it. Though the locals I think are trying to improve the area.

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    1. Thanks Rachael, this summer is looking like a grand one to explore an area that does tend to get it’s fair share of rain!

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        1. Very true, Rachael, though it is wonderful when those downpours happen at night not when trying to explore the place 🙂 Same as NZ, it’s green for a reason 🙂

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    1. Thanks Nilla, as always love getting comments from you. You would enjoy the area, and it does look like it’s going to be a hot summer for the UK 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

        1. Damned near a heatwave 🙂 With temperatures heading towards 30 next week. Lovely warm, not too hot and not too cold, just right to be able to get out and about. Hope you aren’t melting in Italy 😉

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  3. Some very pretty places! I think Fishguard is a funnier name than Cardigan (after all, the cardigan was named after one of the Earls of Cardigan). I remember a village near one of the places we once lived used to be called Fishpool but as it expanded and (presumably) became posher it turned into Ravenshead. I’m not sure i’d like to live in a fishy place either 😉

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Anabel for the bit of history regarding the cardigan. We were not long in either place to gain a really good feel of the place.

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        1. Whoops, I should have known that! There are not many people who stay in the same area. 30 more years and they might class you as a local 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

    1. OMG, Em, it was bad enough in Spring/Summer with dry weather. The weather keeps on giving, just got back from a bike ride, no wind and lots of sun, bliss! Enjoy Malta!


    1. Great Orla that the mention of Cardigan brought back lovely memories for you. You have had some brilliant places to have enjoyed as a child!


  4. Gosh you got around in a very short time! We have visited most of those places, but not all in one day! St David’s by the way is a city – the smallest one in the UK. The ruins are the Bishops Palace not the cathedral. The one place we haven’t stopped at is the Devil’s Bridge and now you have shown me those steps I’m glad we didn’t! Lovely photos – I especially like the one at Fishguard. Wales in the sun, who’d believe it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Jude for letting me know about St David’s and Bishops Palace I shall correct it. The sun popped its head around the clouds for most of the day. We usually don’t travel so fast just that we were only had a few days spare. We enjoyed Wales and the reasonable weather!

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    2. Corrected Jude and I am not sure why I wrote Cathedral and not the Bishops Palace as I had the correct place in my notes!! You are not the only one to mention the steps 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, Jennifer, I enjoy finding the quirkiness in places we visit and I am never disappointed 🙂


  5. You certainly lucked out with the weather …. those valleys are not green for the want of water 😉 Your posts about Wales should certainly have the masses flocking to ‘God’s own country’ – fabulous prose and perfect pictures abound!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My post of fabulous prose and perfect pictures is now complete with your complimentary comment 😉 Cheers Osyth to more of your witty comments 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Your photos are absolutely stunning! As I went through them, I kept trying to identify a favorite so I could write it in my comment, but I gave up as there are just too many to choose from. I would love to visit that part of the world someday… and have that glorious weather to enjoy it too!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Janis, thanks so much for the lovely comment 🙂 I hope you do get to see Wales she is a beauty! Unusually warm weather this summer, pleased that we decided to spend summer here this year!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Glenys, we could’ve spent months there are not seen everything. Beautiful area. I’m pleased you enjoyed the post 🙂

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  7. So glad you had great weather in Wales, it’s rained every time I’ve been 🙂 The photo’s are gorgeous, loved the row of houses and boats in Aberystwyth. Was intrigued by the mines still on the beach in Borth, heck, here’s hoping everyone reads the signs and doesn’t just run onto the beach – Eek! Another lovely post Suzanne 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Sam, yes Wales certainly put on some dry weather for us, though the first day we did get a short burst of the wet stuff 🙂 The beach in Borth is sectioned off where there could be mines.


  8. Love your photographs and so glad you are enjoying Wales. My family hails from Devon, so we are so close and on a clear day can see it across the ocean. But now living in Australia I don’t get to visit often, but I would so dearly love to visit Wales, well and Ireland and Scotland too. #MLSTL

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Johanna. We left Wales a while ago and we loved it. Devon is a favourite area of ours. I’m sure you’ll get to visit more of the UK.


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