Australia, Photography, Travel

11 Western Australian Wildflowers

Nothing says it like flowers!. 

They give their all.

When travelling wildflowers can soar a tired travellers enthusiasm to dig deep and move further up the road in search of more.

Here are are some of those beauties we viewed and captured during our 2013 Western Australia roadtrip.  The rest of the post regarding that trip will be finished sooner than later and hopefully before we head off to the Tropical Northern Queensland at the end of next month.

Yes, we just had to include another roadtrip before it became impossible.

It was on the imaginary Bucket Fu*ket List for when we reached our dotage.  Plans change, so it was now or never.

In the meantime, I hope you all enjoy a dollop of eye candy from Mother Nature.

Field of wildflowers_

A field of Pink Wildflowers

Wild Flowers, Western Australia_statis

An area of Wildflowers

Wildflowers kangaroo paw

Kangaroo Paw

Wildflowers, Western Australia_

A field of Wildflowers

Woody Pear

The Wooden Pear

64 thoughts on “11 Western Australian Wildflowers”

  1. Ah, thank you for showing these Suzanne. I was looking forward to visiting my son in Perth and going up north to see the wild flowers of WA, but he moved back to the eastern side! Oh, well, maybe I shall just have to make a separate trip – the flowers are most unusual and quite beautiful. I actually do have a Kangaroo Paw, a red one. Not sure how long it will last here, but it is definitely different 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Your welcome Jude, and yes I think a separate trip to Western Australia is worth the time and effort. The coastline is incredible as well as the flowers. Kangaroo Paw has been commercialised more than the other species as it is popular here in NZ and other countries.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh. My. These are just awesome captures. I can’t even consider picking a fave. It’s been too many years since I was in WA and their wildflowers are worth the trip alone. #MLSTL

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Suzanne, thank you for the Australian floral tour! Seriously amazing varieties of beautiful and unusual (to me) flowers. Your camera caught them all so well. I was blessed to have been inside the Hawaii Botanical gardens in March, a day I won’t soon forget! Visiting and sharing from #MLSTL today!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. We do have lovely wildflowers in WA don’t we Suzanne? We lived on a 2 acre bush block for 20 years and saw a lot of these popping up each year to give us some colour and interest. Your photos were beautiful.
    Thanks for linking up with us at MLSTL and I’ve shared on my SM 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Leanne, you certainly do have a grand spot over in WA, aside from Melbourne/Victoria I think at this stage it is a favourite Aussie destination for us.

      Who needs a flower garden when you have wildflowers growing in your bush block. That would’ve been wonderful.


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