
My Old Faithfuls

We’re waiting.

Old, muddy and beaten

From walking,

And adventures.

From muddy puddles,

Streams and creeks.

In her dreams,

We jump like deer,

We run like the clappers.

We were always there.

Whatever the weather,

Whatever the day.

As faithful as dogs,

Ready for play.

39 thoughts on “My Old Faithfuls”

    1. Me neither, you never know what gems you will find when mowing other people’s lawns and tidying up gardens! Sorting out old photos and I came across the photo of the old boot, which prompted the words.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. So true. For years, I avoided hiking boots as they just did not work with my feet. I wore Teva sandals or New Balance trail shoes for all of our Caminos.
    Recently, I borrowed my husand’s New Balance Boots. It was love at first sight. I’ve seldom been without them for my recent hikes!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Donna, I love my boots though when tired they do become heavy. Much prefer my trainers though not practical on tramps. New Balance is a good brand. I’ve found Brooks excellent for arch support. Whatever works. The Camino would’ve required shoe planning! You and your husband are doing really well with your hikes. It’s been fun reading about them.


  2. Loved the photo of the old boot. I wear Merrell hiking boots and they’ve started to tear and the suspension (if that’s the right word for it) is flattening. But like your fabulous words, a boot is so much more than a boot.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Haha! My favorite old boots find repose in my garden, too. I wonder if some future resident will create such a lovely poem as yours when they find one.

    I hike either in Tevas or tennies. Most hiking boots are just too much for me to lug or never fit right.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Eilene, I have heard of Tevas though not the Tennies brand. I have larger than life feet 10 -11 [41 -42], so when I find comfy shoes I am ecstatic. When I brought my hiking books they were comfortable from the moment I first tried them on. Not one blister. Though they need to be worn more. Hopefully, in spring and summer!

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  4. Whilst I am not a bush walker, I can imagine how it would be to have to give up such well-worn boots.
    My footwear for my weird and troubled feet is Birkenstocks in summer and Brooks Addiction in winter. I have also had my right fibula removed to go in my mouth for cancer reconstruction so I know what footwear works for me too.

    A charming and sweet post.
    Denyse #mlstl


    1. Hi Denyse, yes I am a Brooks fan and can attest to how good they are to wear. Bush walking in Australia is completely different to N.Z. I enjoyed our short ones whilst over there and even the walkways are very enjoyable.


  5. I love this…. I had two pair of Doc Martens – one replacing the other and I had both for over 10yrs and I adored them. They were so worn-in by the end I hated getting rid of them.

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