Life at No.22, Poetry, Snapshots of Tauranga

Snapshots of Tauranga #4

Out on the balcony late afternoon, watering the tomatoes as you do, I felt someone was watching me. In the background to the left are the rose gardens. To the right are our tomatoes growing like triffids. 


Paws silently poised
Upon the balustrade
Changes are looming.

Diet needs changing
Reduce Harrys food
The vet declared.

Amber eyes glaring
Harry's not happy
Changes require patience.

Birds struck silent
Quietly changes diet
Vet never knew.

No bird life was at risk in the writing of this poem; it was all in the writer’s imagination.

18 thoughts on “Snapshots of Tauranga #4”

        1. He seems happy enough, though he does try to escape his owners given half a chance. We’ve always had non pedigree cats whose genes were too wild to be on a leash. They were farm cats.

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