Life at No.22, Monthly Updates, The Changing Seasons

The Kitchen Renovation & More

Firstly, let me show you the beginnings of No.22. Dating back to the early 1960s.

The house beside us has now been replaced with a modern version. The greens are still there and used by the local Vintage Car Club. Photo credit: NZArchives
A few years later, an iconic 1960s building was painted green and stands there. The Rose Gardens, the established pohutukawa trees, and that gate remain. The neighbour’s bushes are no longer there. Luckily, by 2018, when we moved in, the building had been painted a less notable colour. Photo credit: NZArchives

Back to the present day

No.22 – Taken last summer with our new sign
In the beginning. Out with the old. The young builder was in need of an energy drink.

A year ago, we started to listen to that growing niggling, discontented noise resulting from our relationship with the badly thrown-together kitchen that we had inherited from the previous owner. As noted in my post, “F*ck it, let’s just do it”.

So, in April this year, I stopped by after basketball to chat with the people at a local kitchen business. Then, I arrived home to share the information I had gained with the Squire before we decided.

The furniture all bunched together while I was removing the wallpaper.

Luckily for us, we chose well. Vikki, our designer from Kitchen Studio, created a plan to give us the look we wanted and the function we needed. It’s a small kitchen, and we wanted to maximise the foot area so more than one person can comfortably be in the space. Having floor-to-ceiling cabinetry and integrated appliances with more draws than cupboards, we have gained an illusion of more space and light. We also gained that extra floor space by including a small island table, which we can use as a preparation area and to sit around. The biggie for us is having a table to sit at and face each other, and we’re pleased not to have to sit on our sofa to eat.

Another bonus of the renovation was the huge difference in replacing the previous appliances with up-to-date models, which is their efficiency and quietness. Bliss.

The process of achieving this workable space wasn’t without it’s issues. Dealing with an old building isn’t easy; thankfully, the curve balls were minor. These were dealt with speedily by the kitchen company and the sub-traders they used. Not at any point did I feel like I should’ve asked for something to be relooked at or just asked a general question regarding our choices. I dealt with things as Les was in Australia supporting his brother and wife.

I still need to do a few paint touchups and other things. At the moment, they can wait, as painting, sanding, etc., is way off my fun list for now. Today, after our ceramic splashback arrives, I can say the kitchen is complete. Perhaps with photos to follow.

Today, we have a fantastic space to cook, relax and enjoy good food and conversation.

Autumn Walks during May

It was a noisy brain month, with many energy-sapping decisions that were repeatedly annoying though not life-threatening; they just needed to be done. This included preparing my parent’s house for sale and our kitchen renovation. It’s not the best situation for my neurodiverse brain. Though I have trained it over the years to be organised in a sort of disorganised way. Of course, I coped and got on with it, though at times, all I needed was a long walk around nature, and my equilibrium was balanced.

Here are some that relaxed my busy brain.

On top of the Papamoa Hills, looking towards Mauao. A sense of quietude.
Those leaves are just begging to be lifted high into the sky.
It would seem that no matter where I walk, there’s always a view of Mauao.
Unless I’m climbing to the top and looking west towards Matakana Is.

31 thoughts on “The Kitchen Renovation & More”

    1. We do have some wonderful spaces, Jo and I’m about to head to one soon. I don’t particularly want to be here for the splashback installation. Last week, the installers dropped it trying to get it into the building, trying a different route today. Fingers crossed for no dramas today.


  1. I do love kitchen renovations, so exciting. Last year I had an extra cupboard, a tall one added to mine, I wanted to hide away the kitchen gadgets. I love standing back and admiring the almost empty clean surfaces. Enjoy your new kitchen. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re right Sue there is something special about having a new kitchen, some how food tastes so much better. We are loving the new space and it has made our kitchen more usable, light and bright. Worth the hassles and time. Enjoy yours too 🙂


  2. I also love our kitchen remodel. We also put the cupboards to the ceiling (who wants all that dust and whatever collecting up too?). Space for both of us to move around. Before it had one entry/exit point with the refrigerator door opening right there. Whose idea was that?
    Well it’s good that it’s nearly done and that you know when it’s time to be absent and go for a nice walk.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Exactly, Eilene, I totally dislike the empty space and to be honest it makes the kitchen look cheaper. Believe me it’s not a cheap exercise. We also had a one way entry and exit. The old one was so unusable and not attractive. Pleased to say it’s completed now and looks amazing. We are very chuffed with it all.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Amongst the organised chaos I actually enjoyed the process and especially getting stuck in the painting etc. It’s been really enjoyable to see the difference it has made to our space. Well worth every cent. I’ve now rekindled my love of cooking and baking. We were fortunate to have a good team and designer.

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  3. Those spaces and views would definitely soothe the soul, Suzanne. Renovation work is sometimes a necessary evil, hard to live through but worth it for the end result.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You have some fab views Suzanne, and great places to walk. I’d love to redo my kitchen just because it’s tired rather than not functional, but the OH hates disruption. Should have done it when we first bought the house. Floor to ceiling cupboards are what I would choose along one wall.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We do, Jude, and I appreciate the opportunity to enjoy them.
      Yes, I can understand the disliking of disruption. It’s stressful. Maybe one day he might surprise you.
      Enjoy your day. It’s time for me to get some beauty sleep😊

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    1. Thanks, Anabel. Completed late yesterday afternoon. Such a relief and now to get on with other things in life.
      The inconveniences , time, and money spent are all worth it to have a space that’s relaxing to be in.
      The sooner you do it, the more time you’ll have enjoying the end result.


  5. I’m glad to hear the kitchen work has gone so well and you’re pleased with the results. Yes, do share photos! And what lovely places you have to walk in and recharge the batteries 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So, are we Sarah. I’m a bit reluctant to share photos though the Kitchen Company would like to enter ours into their yearly competition. We shall see what happens.
      I love our walks around home.

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    1. All completed now, Rebecca. During the renovation, the breaks and going out for fresh air always helped so did “small” treats of my favourite foods that didn’t require me using a kitchen.

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    1. If only, snapping our fingers produced reduced the hassles in our life. Nah, too easy, who wants that. The kitchen renovation is completed now, Janis and we love it. Still debating about the showing of images at present.
      I would go for it, more time to enjoy a new space in your home. We thought as Les was stable and no other issues were stopping us it was time to bite the bullet. Next week, might be a completely different story. When everything in a kitchen space works it makes life much easier and the food tastier 😉


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