Housesitting, Housesitting in Devon, Life of adventure, Walking with animals

A Coastal Hike – Devon

Last Tuesday [in May 2017] was sunny and windless, a fitting day for me to take on a more challenging walk up and down the hills and to view Ayrmer Cove from above, way above.

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Just to spice things up as going the same way twice seems rather dull, I decided to go another route that had the bonus of walking alongside masses of bluebells in the scrub.  It was a steeper way of getting onto the well-worn track of The South West Coast Path and is England’s longest waymarked long-distance footpath and a National Trail.

On that day, I was only attempting a few miles, not the whole 630 miles,  which runs from Minehead in Somerset, along with the coasts of Devon and Cornwall, to Poole Harbour in Dorset.

What is even more remarkable is that this girl hates heights or I should say that heights suddenly one day disliked me.  I ventured out of the woodlands out onto farmland with the sea in the distance,  quietly thinking to myself that this track had better go down and left, or I could be in for a long walk back to where I started!!


Out of the Woods!


A glance back to an area where heights aren’t an issue, I carry on walking, brave as can be!


A place where snakes love to sunbathe, bless them.  Yes, that’s right, snakes in the UK.  Not sure whether I was disappointed or relieved when I didn’t sight any of the wriggling species.

So to overcome by negative thoughts, I just concentrated on my walking and enjoyed the magnificent vista.  A comment on the lines of “For heaven’s sake don’t look down” [entered my head maybe every second or two!].


Okay seriously losing my nerve at this precise moment!


Not far to go and I was walking along the small beach of Arymer Cove and feeling very chuffed with myself as I looked up to where I was standing to view the cliffs and the seaside on top of the hill.  It was fun to explore the unusual rock formations, not so much fun finding out my boots had holes in them as I walked across a stream heading out to sea.  I hadn’t finished yet as I looked up towards where Toby’s Point was situated.  Deep breath, stomach in, buttocks tight, arms moving and off I went.

Yes, I did have to stop a few times, to admire the view and to catch my breath!!  When climbing, I noticed two paths, one which looked centimetres from the cliff edge the other a few meters, you can guess which one I climbed up on.  Who the heck wants to walk that close to a cliff edge, haven’t they heard of erosion!!

Then I reached the top, with a glance towards where I had climbed and out to sea, it was time to head back as this girl had had enough of heights for one day!

I followed a gentle 1-mile walk along farmland with impressive views of Bigbury and Burgh Island (made famous by Agatha Christie’s ‘Then there were none.

Now it’s time to head back to the charming village of Ringmore.

A Coastal Hike  Devon.jpg


34 thoughts on “A Coastal Hike – Devon”

  1. These are so pretty!!

    Oh my goodness you have reminded me how much I LOVE walking along coastal paths! You’ve made me even more excited to get to Dover on my next walk!! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I don’t think we can get as far as Devon before we move away. We’ll have to make do with Dover.

        But I’ll have to come back and walk near Devon some more! We did part of the SW coastal path near Lands End last year and it was really hilly but gorgeous. We didn’t have weather even half as nice as the day you went walking though!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Yes, we visited Land’s End last February, I think we lasted 1/2 hr as the wind was so icy. Dramatic scenery would be amazing on a lovely sunny day 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  2. What a beautiful area! I’m like you, I don’t like to walk there and back on the same track, but prefer a loop. That being said, I am always surprised about how different a trail looks when you do it in reverse.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Liesbet, it was a beautiful area. You are right about walking a trail in reverse how things look different and depending how tired you are on way back 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh my goodness those pictures are awesome, the luscious green and the gorgeous blue skies compliment each other.
    I’d be like you and walking the inner path every time. I’m just not as confident now since the leg injury!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. What a gorgeous walk. You did a great job of conveying your concerns about the heights (and pretty sure you were disappointed by the lack of snakes;)) so thanks for taking the risk and sharing it with us!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Gabe, even though I don’t like heights it is still a walk that can be done without going to close to the edge 🙂

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  5. Looks like a beautiful spot to go for a walk. I’m finding now that I am getting older that heights are bothering me more. Have heights always been an issue for you?

    Also snakes??? I hate snakes. Petrified. Terrified. Urgh urgh urgh urgh. (checks for snakes under desk)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahaha, I am sure there are no snakes under your desk, Rachael. 🙂 No, heights were never an issue as I was a daredevil in more ways than one.

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  6. Lovely Suz! I’m with you on the heights issue. Today we went up Glastonbury Tor and I had a moment looking down but I was fine once I got up there!
    The views of your walk are gorgeous and such a lovely variety. I’m loving the spring here.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good on you Deb. It’s a great feeling overcoming a fear even if it’s only for a little while. I never used to dislike heights! The coastline of the UK is dramatic. Glad to hear you are enjoying the Spring. Much better than last year. Even had a heatwave 🤣

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