Life of adventure, Road Trips, Spain., Travel

Snow in Spain

Spain usually equates to sun, warmth and olive trees?  What about being covered in snow?. Do you remember viewing my tongue-in-cheek quote on Travelling Light regarding warm clothing and how this may not be as necessary this year to pack?  “Now, getting back to the dilemma about whether I need to include another warmer jacket in my luggage.  Though, as I have mentioned above, we hope not to repeat the -14C this northern winter.  We will be in Southern Spain where it doesn’t get too cold.”

Well, it did not entirely break all previous records; seeing snow on Malaga Beach is quite a rare event.  You are more likely to glimpse pale-skinned visitors from another land bathing in the waters or sunbathing on the shoreline. Technically, we were headed towards Northern Spain, with the final destination being South West France.  So, yes, we knew it was going to be colder than the temperate climate of Southern Spain. But it did get down to -11degs.  For a short while, less than 1/2 hour, to be exact.  As we drove up towards the hills we were covered in misty clouds.  Where a hoar frost was showing off her best side. It was still a surprise to discover that Spain does have areas where the snow falls rather thickly on its arid soils and on top of its hills and mountains.  These looked like mountains, though, in theory, they were only hills as we were travelling through a gorge, which made them seem so much more significant!

The reality was not quite as warm as we expected!

94 thoughts on “Snow in Spain”

  1. Stunning pictures and how wonderful to experience the unexpected 😉 A fact that most people miss is that Boston is on the same latitude as Madrid … given the force of the polar vortex and bomb cyclones that have hit the US in the past few weeks, I guess it is not that surprising after all. Meanwhile in south west France you will need galoshes … the rain has been fairly incessant, I believe down most of that side. Perhaps you will bring some welcome blue skies with you – I am sure you would be sainted if you did!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Osyth. No sainthood as we unfortunately did not bring sunshine with us. The powers be decided to keep with the wet stuff as in rain. We have been in France since last Thursday. You are correct regarding the latitude being the same between Madrid and Boston. Some small villages have not seen snow in over 90 years. Ronda was covered in snow!!

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      1. My husband lives in Boston most of the time, since he is a Harvard Professor so we are well versed in the fact which surprises many. We are expecting snow today but being the gateway to the Alps, that is certainly not as surprising as Ronda!

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    1. Hahaha @ the 20 snowflakes 🙂 I love snow as it is still a novelty though for months on end with no sun could be tiring! Though sun and snow with no wind is lovely. Wet and cold not so much!! Fresh eggs yummy!!

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  2. A novelty, indeed! Wonderful pics. I’ve been/lived a few places that rarely get snow, as in only the old-timers remember the last occurrence, and people tend to lose their minds. The roads are a mess of inexperienced drivers and everything is usually shuttered for the day. But, boy, your experience, at least what is visible in your pics, seems miles away from that. It’s been miserably cold here of late , and we have snow coming down this very moment.

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    1. What a difference the sun and lack of wind makes. While we were driving we hit low cloud and very grey conditions. The changes within hours were mind blowing!! No doubt having day after day of very cold wet snowy weather would wear anyone down. The sun came out for a little while this afternoon and what a treat. Wet though higher temperatures aren’t necessarily warmer to walk in! I do love the different seasons and couldn’t stand to have the same all year round. Makes life far more interesting to have change 🙂

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      1. No argument there. I definitely prefer snow when it isn’t paired with extreme cold and wind. The other bonus of snow in unusual locales is that it dissipates rather quickly. Enjoyable and then gone before you know it!

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  3. Wow, that came unexpected! Beautiful photos, though! I hope it has warmed up a bit by now. Mark and I have been experiencing record low temperatures in New England as well. Not our favorite AT ALL, but, luckily, we have some winter clothes. Most of which we keep at his parents house in New England. 🙂

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    1. The snow experience was on the way to housesit in France, where it is now wet and cold. Think we enjoyed the snow and sun 🙂 Forecast is for sun next week!! Hope you and Mark are coping in the cold and with his mother’s condition.

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    1. Thanks Lauren. We did take our usual winter gear. Luckily for us we had a heated car and accommodation which made it easy to enjoy the cooler temperatures. As long as there is no wind, sunny snowy days are enjoyable.

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        1. It is very changeable and unpredictable weather patterns the world is experiencing. It would be a brave person to predict it too far ahead!!

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    1. The larger quantities of snow were more above Madrid. Yes, we are seeing more extreme weather as we travel!


        1. It would be very rare not to see snow where you live 🙂 As someone pointed out Madrid is on the same latitude as New York! Papamoa beach in New Zealand had snow on it one year. Though it never stayed there for long!!


            1. Okay, that is a surprise! I just assumed it would, I love it that I learn something new about our world every day 🙂


    1. To be honest Judy, the weather doesn’t worry us as we are never there longer enough for it to be an issue. As with most things in life, we make the most of what opportunities that come up. Thank goodness for warm jackets and beanies 🙂

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  4. I thought I left the minus temps in Maine when I came to Provence for the winter. The biggest surprise for me was to see the photos of the snow dunes in the Sahara. At least we both had the options of some amazing food during the cold spell. I hope the rest of your winter is warm.

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    1. Yes seeing snow in the Sahara would have been an eye opener. In France doing another housesit where at the moment it is raining!! Hopefully next week is looking more promising for some exploring!!


  5. Wow, something about blue skies with snow underneath that really sends me back to days of yore and childhood idylls fishing for grayling as a teenager. You can’t beat low rivers, soft sun and the outdoors in those conditions. Coincidentally out local pub has Spanish landlords and their chef went back to Spain for three weeks this month. I spoke to him on Wedbesday asking how it went and he said “Cold, it was very cold.” Obviousky spoken with a Spanish accent, but he was rather gloomy as he went back for some sun not snow lol.

    Missed your posts of late too. Writing has proper made me neglect blogging!

    Lovely photos too, as always!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The Spanish are quite amusing when the weather turns nasty. Very rare to see people out walking in wet weather. Though more were enjoying playing in the snow 🙂 Yes, coldest winter for a few years. Strange weather!! Oh well Gary, I would say your quest to finish your book is more important, don’t you think 🙂

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      1. I’ve noticed, the staff are mostly Spanish too. Lovely people, but do they not like cold weather! Thanks re the book too. I love blog engagement, but I did start blogging because of it so I need to balance time writing and blogging. Doesn’t mean I don’t miss popping over to blogs run by friends 😊


  6. My brain literally can’t compute the idea of snow in Spain. Though I have only been to Spain in summer of course. And I also can’t believe the temperatures. It hasn’t been anywhere near as cold as that in the North of England! Excellent photo of the snowball by the way.

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    1. Yes, it was a surprise to us, though if we had researched the various places maybe not. We tend to book places to sleep and leave the rest as a surprise. With so much organising to do regarding the housesits it is great to just “wander”. It was the wind that made it cold, take that away and the sun and snow were delightful!! North England has more rain, and we still enjoy going up to North Yorkshire. I didn’t realise how much I missed the green paddocks until we got to France. Where it is now raining 🙂

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        1. LOL – funnily enough I missed the rain when we were in Turkey last summer and every day was sunny. No such thing as a perfect place or housesit 🙂

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  7. Such lovely pictures and I couldn’t stop admiring that tree. Sitting here in Bangalore and typing this when the Sun is shining bright outside, you pictures make me wonder how would it feel in so much of snow. Enjoyed your post!

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  8. Gorgeous pictures. It does seem like a bit of a surprise to have a dusty snow in Southern Spain. But, the lovely sights make up for it. Since I’m in Minnesota that light frost seems like a tickle rather than a punch of winter, but when warmth is expected even a little frost seems much harsher! The snowball fight did sound like a fun idea and I’m sure you’ll have many more adventures to share as you go!

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    1. We enjoy having a change of scene. Yes, Spain got a blast of polar air, which shocked many Spaniards and visitors 🙂 These cold spells don’t last long and the sun is shining more than it is not. It is very strange and unusual weather patterns! Now we are in France in the rain though it is supposed to be picking up next week! Thank goodness!!

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    1. Oh we do think that Spain is definitely worth a visit or two. So much diversity there, we enjoy it for so many reasons! Thanks regarding the photo of the snowball, good timing more than anything 🙂

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  9. Beautiful pictures and I had never given a thought about Spain getting snow…A mid-flight snowball as well..Well done! It takes me about 15 shots to get anything mid-air and it is just luck when I do 🙂

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    1. Thanks Carol. I think all photos are based on timing and good luck 🙂 Some people have an eye for it and then it becomes a passion!

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  10. Looks like a perfect winter day, Suzanne! Though I think you need to find a jacket for snowy Spain. And like so many who have commented your mid-flight snowball shot is terrific. Now I want to see if I can get one of these photos in my back yard!

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    1. Thanks Gloria. I had to muck around with some of them due to the bad quality from taking them through the windscreen!


    1. Yes, it certainly does snow in Spain. Though it has been a very cold winter for most over here in Spain!


    1. Yes, we got a surprise to find it so cold!! Though most days the sun was shinning and now we are in Istanbul where it is not sunny at all. Missing sunny Spain. Having said that Istanbul is keeping us entertained in more ways than one 🙂 Hard to describe this intriguing city!!


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