Musings, New Zealand

Cake Crumbs and Beach Sand

Summer’s here! 

Down in the depths of the Southern Hemisphere, that is.

Yes, I know not the most profound statement to be made on this blog.  Though we usually do sing out quite loudly even from rooftops most years when the month changes from December to January and then February.  As the temperatures on land start to rise in a fast upward motion.  The weather report is more reliable, and the sea is far more inviting and warm, with most of that nasty spring wind having died out.

Though don’t quote me on this, it is New Zealand after all.

So what’s it all about?

With summer here, comes the purchasing of seasonal treats, not usually enjoyed during winter or spring.  Ice-cream is what I am referring too.  Apart from this delectable licking blob on a cone, you will need a supply of more reliable, robust foods, if need be, you can fill your basket with healthy foods to fuel you as you set off to enjoy your time in the great outdoors.  Such as the beach, if there is no beach, of course, there will be a park or maybe your own backyard.

Ideally, picnic food should be tasty, filling enough to allow body surfing in the waves and beach cricket on the sand, or playing “tag” in the backyard.  Hopefully, food can be eaten without a plate or cutlery.

That ham croissant/sandwich or a slice of the cake should stay in one piece when running?  Why?  There is always a gust of wind that accompanies a picnic. One that evidently whisks an item off the blanket.  Especially Aunt Daisy’s hat.

It’s picnic season.  We all love picnics, don’t we?

French inspired picnic.jpg

If history is anything to go by.  Many of our cultures have enjoyed picnics for centuries.  The earliest ones in England were medieval hunting feasts of assorted baked meats, pickles and pastries consumed with passion before the hunt. Of course, it was no picnic for the deer that were savoured by the victorious hunters.

Throughout our years of travel, we had enjoyed picnics with many of them in the UK, mainly when the sun was shining, a heatwave in Italy to more reasonable winters in Spain.  It has even been known for us to have a few in a hotel room or two on wet and windy days.

A picnic is a celebration of sorts.

To celebrate food in the great outdoors.

From a loaf of daily bread to the occasional decadence.

A picnic is a go-to place for tasty eats, sweets, and treats.

Life is not meant for ten types of ho-hum food

Same-old, same-old or cream with everything.

Life is made for adventure and inspiration.

Moments of “WoW” and wonder.

Glimpses of genius

Life’s food is designed to be devoured

Bite by bite, of a chocolately taste.

Check out the following websites where you will find a few sweet and savoury picnic ideas to create and pack into the picnic hamper.  Then with said hamper set off in your car and head off to some inviting shady oasis.  If in New Zealand then having your picnic under a Pohutakawa tree by the sea would be idyllic on a hot summers day.

picnic under a tree

Child-friendly Picnic Food Ideas

Nadia Lim – How to throw the ultimate picnic

Annabel Langbein – Picnic in the Park

What food do you enjoy when indulging in a picnic?.

Annual Bloggers Bash Awards Nominee Best Lifestyle Blog
Based in the UK

58 thoughts on “Cake Crumbs and Beach Sand”

  1. Hey! Congrats on being a nominee again for the Blogger’s Bash!

    I love picnics, but I don’t like the wind, which we seem to have plenty of here in the desert. Each time Mark and I go for a day hike or a longer bike ride, we pack a sandwich lunch. Our breadboxes also contain carrots and another snack like nuts or pretzels. It’s been a while since I had a “real picnic”, like the kind you have in France with baguette and cheese. Yum!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Liesbet. Yes, nothing quite like a french baguette and cheese. I’m going cheese free for awhile as I need to get fitter!! It’s going to be a struggle saying no to cheese!! I enjoy a picnic especially when going on hikes!

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    1. Eilene, your Colorado countryside must be looking very spectacular with a record amount of snow that has fallen in the last week or more. Not long to go before Spring kicks into action! Yes, doing the same thing day in and day out will get dull, it is good to have variations of where and what we eat.

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        1. Parts of New Zealand are well known for ants!! Especially if you live near a beach!! Had to smile when I read that your dogs might get a bit pesky. Dogs are always ready to cease an opportunity 🙂

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    1. April, we do it the posh way with picnic tables and benches. Or if they aren’t available then fold up chairs were usually in the car. Much easier on the back than sitting on the ground. Hopefully Spring is just around the corner and you start planting out your vegetable garden!

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  2. Yum. I love a good picnic!

    Recently we started cheating a bit for them. We buy pots of tasty human and egg-plant dip, then just dip flatbreads into them. Still we’re a long way away from summer on this side of the world, so I’ll have to live vicariously though you. 😉

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    1. Josy, eating food outside no matter what it is constitutes a picnic. I love eggplant dip! I will enjoy your photographs when we are having a winter, though ours is very mild. Similar to a Scottish summer 🙂

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      1. That sounds lovely too! You’ll be able to picnic all year round!

        We did have a fantastic picnic of fish and chips in NZ, until all the seagulls noticed us. Then we had to escape!

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        1. Can’t visit NZ without a feed of fish and chips 🙂 Seagulls are a damned nuisance, we have learnt how to deal with them. Helps having someone who has the ability to throw a chip long distance!!

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  3. Suzanne, I’m envious of your beautiful weather. But, I have to say that we’ve been enjoying our beautiful snow here. In fact, we’re supposed to get another snowstorm tomorrow – the third storm in a week. Our smaller pup will be buried when we need to go out in the yard, ha! Enjoy your picnics, and have an extra ice cream cone for me. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Erin, while reading your comment I could image your young pup having a ball trying to eat the snow as well as trying to keep up with everyone!! Snow is such a novelty for us, we enjoyed experiencing while travelling. Will have a cone for you 🙂


    1. Cheers Angela. Your weather has hit the news over here in New Zealand on a few occasions. I can’t imagine what it would feel like to go -30 below. We hit -14 degs in Northern France for a day or two.

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  4. Since we’ve had our electric car picnics have become a part of every trip. Flask of tea, pie, summer fruit and gingernuts, slowing down, sitting back and watching the world go by. Perfect!

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    1. Don’t forget the dunkers, as in gingernuts 🙂 Absolutely a perfect time to relax and watch the world go by. It was or still is a kiwi tradition to stop at a river etc for a picnic while on the way to stay with relations. Ours were mainly in the gorge on our way to Gisborne!

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  5. These Summery days definitely bring out the picnic urge – or getting takeaway and eating by the beach (fish and chips especially!) Loved all your summery pics x
    Thanks for linking up with us at MLSTL and I’ve shared on my SM 🙂

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  6. Hi Suzanne, I can’t think of a more perfect place to have a picnic than New Zealand. It is such a beautiful country that you can be anywhere and surrounded by outstanding natural beauty. A picnic is a lovely way to enjoy an afternoon. Thanks for linking up and supporting #MLSTL and hope you have a lovely week. xx

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  7. I’m not sure why eating outside is so much more of an event than eating indoors, but I do love a good picnic or even moving my meal out to the deck at home. I love the name of this post–Cake Crumbs and Beach Sand. Saying it makes me smile. #MLSTL

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Christie, I too loved the title 🙂 I am with you in that I have no idea why eating outside is more enticing. Perhaps over the year we tend to eat more inside so any excuse to do something different?
      We love having breakfast on the balcony.


  8. I’d never say no to some macarons and croissants in my picnic hamper, Suzanne. 😉 But most of the time you’d only find some fruits and a couscous salad in it, maybe with some crisps at the side.

    Liked by 1 person

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