Monthly Updates, The Changing Seasons

What’s been happening? – February 2021

There’s been a smidgen of C.B.B in my life this month, not helpful being bitten by the Can’t Be Bothered bug, especially since a blogger requires one essential thing: the need to have subject matter to write about. During a recollection of what’s been happening mid-way through the month, I realised I hadn’t tried something new. Shaking off the C.B.B. bug and holding on tight to motivation, followed by a rush of enthusiasm and trepidation, I extended my activity repertoire. Enter;


Absolutely erase any elegant bodily movements from your mind. It didn’t happen, and it’s unlikely to happen shortly. What did occur was some inner laughter at myself, plus a small degree of relaxation as I tried to transform my inflexible body into trying positions that I have only dreamed of achieving, though I did give myself ten points for perseverance. I shall keep striving to keep going on and learn as underneath I realise it can only do good and not actually kill me. At the very least, I didn’t humiliate myself while bending over. You could say I was winning on my first day.

Cycling – A reoccurring activity and still a goodie

Our newish $2.2 million dual cycle way down Ngatai Rd – making cycling far safer unless some moron parks their car on this area and it happens on a frequent basis!

On a Wednesday every week, a wide range of cyclists meet up at Sulphur Point here in Tauranga. Dividing into various cycling ability levels, I prefer what they term recreational cyclists meaning the slow ones.

Anyway, one particular Wednesday this month they had a rather bigger mode of transport arrive. It was a truck, and it was there to demonstrate what a driver sees and, more importantly, what he does not sight. Let the following photos demonstrate the need to take extra care on the road when sharing with large vehicles. Or chose the even safer option if available and use a dual purpose footpath.

Placement of materials representing potential cyclists in front of oncoming trucks
This is the reality of what the truck driver can see – no cyclists in sight.

Until we sit in the truck driver’s seat, we can all speculate on what she/he can or can’t see. It was literally an eye-opener on what a truck driver can see, a sobering experience and one to remember every time I head out on my cycle. I will maintain being an alive conservative careful cyclist and be alive rather than imitate roadrunner; unfortunately, humans don’t get a second chance, unlike roadrunner.

Sometimes a ride is all about the arrival than the journey – particularly this route which involves cycling through an industrial area to eventually enjoy having sand in between my toes [Mount Maunganui beach].

Random shots around Tauranga

The Squire posing outside the Tauranga Gallery. The artwork celebrates the opening of Wharf Street and the beginning of summer in mosaic form highlighting local details and landmarks. A mix of industrial, natural and recreational combine to represent Tauranga’s uniqueness. The wharf with it’s huge stack of ship containers, a surfboard, harekeke [flax] which was very prominent here in our early trading years to the magnificent Norfolk pines situated at The Elms. Lastly and most significantly our mountain – Mauao.
The abundance of passionfruit kindly given to us from my parents neighbour.
A cheerful chalk drawing spotted during a Sunday morning stroll
A month wouldn’t feel quite right without cake washed down with a good coffee. Consumed after a walk or long cycle ride making it taste even more satisfying.

Joining in with Su from Zimmerbitch for a review of February via The Changing Seasons.

47 thoughts on “What’s been happening? – February 2021”

  1. Go you! We all need to kick ourselves in the butt (not an easy thing to do) every now and then and you are mightily benefiting from that. There are so many fabulous things around us if we only look! I have been trying to do the same thing with some interesting short walks and I have started Reformer Pilates. OMG! I am finding muscles that I didn’t know I had! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Enjoy your day, Mel

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Mel, my butt was kicked in a nice way back to being motivated. Finding those less used muscles are a challenge aren’t they ๐Ÿ™‚ Have a fun time finding something new to view with a visitor’s eye.

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    1. It is worth taking the time to visit our Art Gallery and I will write more about it, hopefully one day soon. I wonder if I’ve passed your daughter while out and about? ๐Ÿ™‚

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    1. Hi Donna, I think all cyclists need to have experienced a moment of a truckies vision. I avoid them on the road as there’s always a footpath and I consider walkers by travelling slower and use my bell. Men over 40 and wearing Lyrica are the worst offenders for daredevil speed on the road!


  2. The truck driver’s view is something that wouldn’t have occured to me, assuming there would be no difficulty in seeing cyclists.

    I did pilates for a while which I found quite difficult initially, it did get better….slowly. Good luck with the yoga!

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    1. Being an avid walker and the occasional car driver it has helped me become a safer cyclist and I’m more aware of cyclists when driving a vehicle. I might need buckets of luck with yoga. Have decided not to return until we are back to level one.

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  3. Great idea to let you experience the truckieโ€™s eye-view. It is so difficult to imagine.
    Good on you for trying yoga; I keep thinking I should go back to classes as they certainly helped my mobility.

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      1. The actual, physical part of yoga — and the breathing — are wonderful. I struggle with the spiritual side of it, which some teachers emphasize. I think it’s about finding a good teacher and most importantly, paying attention to your body so you don’t over-stretch.

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        1. Thank goodness no spiritual side on my first one, yes with us heading into winter I am now rethinking it’s most probably not a good thing to be in a hall with people. To be honest, the garden and cycling or walking in the fresh air is more appealing.

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          1. I keep thinking it’s time I bought a bike again (although Auckland traffic terrifies me), but I’m with you on walking/gardening. I found I was more flexible when I did yoga, but these days, I am happy to make a bit of time and space and practice the poses that helped me most when I was doing the classes (if this makes any sense). YouTube is awash with yoga videos.

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            1. Lots of cycle lanes off road here that mixing with traffic isn’t really a problem. I also use the footpaths if traffic is heavy. Slowing down around cars and keeping an eye on opening doors is another good idea. Oh yes, I am not a big fan of YouTube so maybe I should head there to learn more poses. I will try to avoid all cute animal videos ๐Ÿ˜‰

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  4. I’m not surprised that the truck driver couldn’t see the bikes, but I would expect him to remember that he’d seen them when he drove up behind them.

    I’m glad to see that you’re still out and about and enjoying it.

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  5. I could easily become a couch potato! Or do I mean cabbage? Anyway, you get the idea. Overtaken by sloth. But not for long ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ Once you got going you were flying, Suzanne. I am no longer bendy enough for yoga but t’ai chi is fun. And good for you- so I understand…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Now t’ai chi would be more my style though haven’t found a class. Things are a bit up and down with our levels at the moment so will keep to being out in the reasonable fresh air.
      If I didn’t have a chance for some exercise I would go completely mad ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿคฃ


  6. I liked the truck-driver’s view bit, makes one think differently. I can no longer cycle and doing Yoga some years ago I put my back out! Not all teachers keep an eye on their over-eager pupils and the damage could have been worse, but I haven’t tried again since then. Glad you found a way out of the CBB rut. I’m sort of there now too but it will pass, everything does.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ouch to the sore back not a good thing. As most things CBB passes quickly when less focussed on. Here’s to an enjoyable first month of spring for you.


  7. What I take from these photos and this month is warmth, warmth and sunshine. And getting out and about. Oh, to visit a beach and an art gallery! Seems like February has been a success after all.

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    1. It was hot, hot hot and yes I landed up doing more as I’m not one to sit around for long. I would drive the Squire crazy! We often think of folk we know back in the UK and Europe wishing it was different for you all. Not so sure we are totally safe just yet!!

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  8. I think a lot of us can relate to trying to shake of CBB (brilliant acronym). Your reflections remind me of a post I just did about turning a new direction on an old hike. Yoga does get easier…keep at it!

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  9. I hope you manage to stick with the yoga better than me! Cycling, though is almost always a pleasure. That coffee and cake would probably cure me of CBB in a heartbeat! Interesting mural.

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    1. Not sure the Yoga thing is for me, though cycling is and being out in the fresh air. I never usually say no to cake and coffee. There are quite a few good artists around the area.

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  10. I miss cake. And ice cream. I just realized today (on Markโ€™s 50th birthday) that itโ€™s been five months since I had my last ice cream at my in-lawโ€™s house. ๐Ÿ™‚ Itโ€™s been years since I had decent cake in Belgium.

    Iโ€™m with you when it comes to yoga. Actually, I hate it. I know itโ€™s good for us, but it is extremely uncomfortable for me. At least the first few weeks whenever I give it a try. I do love the relaxation part, though.

    Crazy about the trucks and the bikes. Iโ€™m less conservative than you on my e-bike. But, Iโ€™m fast. So fast, they wonโ€™t see me for different reasons, haha.

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    1. Hahaha thanks for the laugh regarding being fast on your bike. Good on you, Liesbet. I’m a real granny though there have been a few moments when I’ve reached 27kph ๐Ÿ˜‰ Happy Birthday to Mark. Oh to taste once again the quality and variety of cakes in a patisserie. Have a wonderful time celebrating Mark’s 50th.

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