Auckland, Monthly Updates, The Changing Seasons

What’s been happening? – October 2021

You’re correct; I have gone straight from August to October. Why the heck not, I say. The reason is mainly due to already writing about what we’ve been doing, and I dislike repeating myself; the echo hasn’t quite the same tone as the first rendition.

When we finally had the date to be in Auckland on the 1st September, I did some online research on what Art Galleries and exhibitions I could perhaps wander around while the Squire was in the hospital for six weeks. Forewarning, while researching, best not to be dunking biscuits and enthusiastically peering at websites. Aside from the distraction of soggy biscuits landing in my lap. There were a few galleries that ignited my interest.

Then the inevitable happened, and everything shut down.

Auckland was in lockdown and still is. Not to be put off, I literally thought outside the square and focussed my attention on sculptures that could be viewed and pondered on what the heck it all meant while I was out on my usual stroll. It still gave us both a distraction and things to chat about.

What’s not to like about being out in the fresh air and enjoying art? Perhaps it’s less foreboding than an Art Gallery and can be enjoyed by a wide range of the community without anyone needing to pretend to know anything about the art world.

Here are a few of my favourites in no particular order.

Art in the Park – Auckland Domain

To commemorate 100 years since the founding of Auckland in 1840, a new road was planned for the Domain. The area was surveyed and lined with trees, but the road was never constructed. What now can be enjoyed is a slopping path surrounded by bush and known as Centennial Walkway and three sculptures.

The first of the three on is Chiara Corbelletto’s who has an interest in geometry, and the underlying patterns scientists have discovered in nature.
She has taken the concept of tessellation, the name given to a pattern created by repeating a shape over a surface, into a three-dimensional form made up of twenty identical bronze modules. She describes her module as a windswept triangle in six-fold symmetry.
How on earth did she achieve this high level of accuracy? Corbelletto worked closely with an engineer to develop the mould for her modules using CAD software and CNC modelling. Results are a sculpture that combines both harmony and strength.

My interpretation – gentle waves lapping on the shore with a sea breeze caressing the stroller as the sun rises.

Further along, is Charlotte Fisher’s sculpture Arc. The artist has described her work as a metaphor for the experience of migration. The imagery for the top element was derived from an ancient European petroglyph. Its exact meaning is not known, but it may depict figures in a boat. It has intrigued her for many years and inspired the arcs and boat forms in her work. The siting of Arc acknowledges that the Domain was once closer to the foreshore. It still provides a good vantage point to view the arrivals and departures of vessels in the harbour.

My interpretation – A large rake from medieval times; joking aside, I could visualise the Arc concept.

The third sculpture further down the path is Promise Boat, a basic boat form to reflect immigration and emigration, created by Louise Purvis. Carved from marble, it is a simple vessel form wrapped and hidden from view.

The ‘wrapping’ hides its details but also offers the promise of discovery. Museums wrap objects for storage and transit. The sculpture’s location at the entrance to Centennial Walk marks a well-used path for visitors to the museum.

My interpretation – the gift of a waka [canoe] to use for survival.

Then there is the art of dance – I thought how wonderful that she felt so comfortable performing in public with such ease; she did have someone videoing her performance.

Art in the front garden

To protect the owners’ privacy, I won’t share precisely where the art is situated. For locals, it will be fun to see if you too can spot them or new art displays on your walks. We can all enjoy art on many levels just by walking around the streets and local parks.

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38 thoughts on “What’s been happening? – October 2021”

  1. Glad you managed to engage your mind with something else while being the support your husband needed. I’ve been in your position and I know how easy it is to become depressed about the whole thing. I enjoyed your take on the art you photographed. I am never good at deciphering what the artist means and even when I’m told I often wonder why he/she didn;t just paint or sculpt what they said the art represented!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Good point, Maris, regarding why artists don’t create exactly what a piece should represent; perhaps the deciphering is part of the artwork? Makes us think and extend our creative minds?


    1. I was confused as to why you were confused 😉 Perhaps I should insert a photo of the said sloping path where the sculptures are sited? Will take another shot of it when I head over there for a walk. An extraordinary amount of artwork in and around that mansion where the gorilla sculpture stands.

      Liked by 1 person

        1. Good grief, I did get the photos mixed up. Apologies, Eilene. I have made a mental note to revise my posts a few times before pushing the publish button!. Not concentrating! Thanks for pointing it out, and hopefully, it’s now readable.

          Liked by 2 people

            1. The property is owned by Sir James Wallace, who has been a generous patron to NZ contemporary art scene over decades. He used to have artists in residence at his Epsom mansion, not sure if he still does that.

              Liked by 1 person

  2. The first sculpture is magnificent, I keep going back for a second look. The second and third don’t have the same impact.
    the garden art made me smile, what a lovely idea.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I especially like the first piece by Corbelletto – I am always fascinated by patterns in nature and I can see how she took these as her inspiration. It also reminds me a little of Islamic art as they often use tessellation. I love how you’ve given us your own interpretation alongside that of the artists’ intentions. I tend to do exactly the same thing when I look at a piece and I too saw the ark as a rake!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Islamic design is another fascinating art. I have found most traditional art forms use nature, e.g. the koru is a spiral shape based on the appearance of a new unfurling silver fern frond which symbolises new life, growth, strength and peace.


  4. I share your disappointment that the galleries have been closed, and have been doing similar outdoor art walks. I recognise the garden; he’s a very, very generous patron of NZ art. I recognise a couple of the pieces from an exhibition I worked on as the marketing advisor.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Love that first sculpture I think I could just walk round and round it in awe of its lovely symmetry. I love all the garden sculptures too, well seen. Hoping all is going well for you and the Squire and I hope the 90% is soon reached and NZ opens up again. I’m so looking forward to visiting my family.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. You have an indomitable spirit, Suzanne! I love that you sought out beauty regardless of lockdown.

    I hear you about messing dunking … except mine lands on the keyboard more often than not.

    Such an interesting story about Centennial Walkway – loss of a road, a park gained. I am so taken by the first sculpture, and the making of it. Art & engineering = a feat of beauty. I want to run my hands over the curves …

    Liked by 1 person

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