Musings, New Zealand, Poetry

We knew a dog named Blue

During winter’s wetter and cooler days, photo sorting seems a constructive way to idle away a few hours. One such day, I came across an image of an old mate who wasn’t very photogenic. He loathed having his photo taken. Now you may ask how a dog can dislike a camera. Well, one quirky dog did and here is a wee poem in honour of him.

The dog
Introduced by our mate Don
Don and dog were mates.

You see, one rescued the other
Dog was born on the streets of Kawerau
A rescue dog
Forever grateful was he.

On a sunny day way back when
Don came to visit with his mate dog
He needed a home we were told
Dog was our dog before Don said goodbye
Then dog became Blue.

Who never wandered past you
Without displaying a wagging tail
A gentle touch of his wet nose
Acknowledging you as a mate
Never with a growly bark was Blue to greet.

Good mates with us all
Don and Blue
Chatter over coffee
Blue a bone
Adventures around the farm
Was had by us all.

LeSue Olive Grove

Until one day
They left this world, and us
Don and Blue.
During the same week
Both surrounded by love.

We were reassured; we knew
That both would be
Happily together in good company
Because that’s what mates do.

A bit more background about this poem

I hope you enjoyed this poem; it isn’t meant to be a sad one more of recognition of our two forever good mates, one who had an incurable skin disorder that was Blue and his mate, Don, who, in 2006, finally was at peace after a battle with prostate cancer.

In Aotearoa/New Zealand, September goes Blue for Prostrate Cancer awareness. So in honour of Don, you boys, please get that bit of your autonomy seen too.

22 thoughts on “We knew a dog named Blue”

    1. Thanks very much, Jo and here is too many more success stories as we can’t get enough of those can we! Don helped out on a voluntary basis at the SPCA shelter hence how we adopted Blue on such short notice. He was to be put down if we hadn’t and in the end he brought plenty of joy into our lives.


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