
5 Special Shot Spots of Bretagne

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #78

This challenge has my focus on a few places we explored during our first year of housesitting and before I pressed that “publish” button on my blog [previously known as Globalhousesitterx2].

Bretagne – Northern France

During our first year of housesitting, we could say that we genuinely experienced how life was for many locals living in small urban and rural villages in Northern France.

Here are just a few of those captured moments.


Us in Carnac
The art of taking selfies [2016] or tying to.

The reason to visit Carnac was not to see the usual adorable picturesque village but to glimpse an exceptionally dense collection of megalithic sites around the town, consisting of alignments, dolmens, tumuli, and single menhirs.  Remember Obelix?

The more than 3,000 prehistoric standing stones were hewn from local rock and erected by the pre-Celtic people of Brittany and are the most extensive such collection in the world.  Unfortunately, many of the sites are not cared for, and the continuing management of these sites remains a controversial topic.

Saint Goustan

Saint Goustan harbour

While researching places to explore the literature I had on Saint-Goustan suggested it’s not a place for wobbling around on high heels, luckily we both preferred wearing flats. The port captured our attention more so than the ruins of the castle. The most picturesque side of the river is reached by crossing the four-arched stone bridge that dates back to the 13th century. Place Saint-Sauveur, with its round cobbles, is encircled by opulent-looking half-timbered and corbelled houses. The steep streets, cut into steps, trace a path through the town, lined by half-timbered facades.

This small port village is approximately an hour’s drive from Bubry, our first French housesit.


Cross out to sea .jpg

Our second was situated on the other side of Northern France, nearer to the English Channel.  A very tidal beach, La Ligue de Greve, is 4 km in length.  With it being a short distance from our housesit, it was an ideal place to head with two energy-packed fox terriers.  What was unique about this beach was the presence of a stone cross [Croix de Mi Lieue on Chemins du Tro Breizh, part of a pilgrimage path] a few kilometres from the high tide line.

It was erected to stop so many drownings.  The theory is if there is water near the cross, don’t dawdle back to shore as the tide zooms in very fast.



Another lovely spot with a small town nestled on a rocky peninsula, surrounded by beautiful beaches with the added bonus of being close by rolling countryside.


Fougères township

The castle, more correctly a castle fort, is the biggest of its kind for Medieval Europe and, some say, the most imposing in France. The Medieval belfry is one of only three still standing in Brittany and, in fact, the oldest of the three.  This would be one of our favourite places to have explored in Brittany.


It was quite an achievement on my part to reduce our Special Shot Spots down to a mere five. Well, it is actually six, but who is counting?.  If you do have an opportunity to explore France, do give Bretagne a chance.  She is worth the effort.

Au Revoir.

Prompted by Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #78 – Special Shot Spots

Want to know more about how to join in this challenge? Then head over to Leya’s blog by clicking the following link: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge.  Thanks, Leya.

42 thoughts on “5 Special Shot Spots of Bretagne”

    1. You are welcome Jo and it is worth the time to explore as most hurry through it to head down to the South. The unpredictable weather similar to the UK’s may have something to do with sidestepping the North. We enjoyed exploring the area and the people we housesat for were lovely as were their pets.

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  1. It’s all circumstance (or happenstance 🙂 ) isn’t it, Suzanne? When you live on the north east coast it’s much easier to fly somewhere more southerly. If you’re just across the Channel, France is your oyster…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Such utterly lovely special spots, Suzanne! I must admit Bretagne is neglected here as well. We traveled France for three months in my youth (1976), and the only area left out was…Bretagne. Young people think – I will soon be back to see it! But this time we didn’t, because there were so many other countries to go to, I guess. So many times regretted this…thank you for posting these lovely spots and making the engine stir again!
    They are all special, but Fougères got my heart!

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    1. Leya, we certainly do see and explore countries differently as we age. My first time in the UK, I spent more time working in pubs than exploring! Fougères was a favourite of ours, and we had a lovely weather too which made a big difference.


      1. Yes, I agree, we change and times change. It is good to keep up the joy of exploring and being inquisitive – and then the importance of weather…It seems to be more and more important to me, at least. I have such difficulties with heat nowadays. If it is more than 30 degrees C I don’t enjoy exploring or taking photos at all. I have to sit in the shadow with a large beer.

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    1. We too have seen Avebury which has more than stones to walk around. We enjoyed viewing the old pub at Avebury and the countryside around that area. What were they thinking, now that is one question I won’t even try to answer. Interesting though to guess what they may have been thinking.

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  3. Hi Suzanne, I hear how often housesitting lets you experience how life is for locals. A great selfie. My husband and I are at the very goofy selfie stage. I realize you took many photos. Many of your photos are breathtakingly beautiful! Thank you for sharing these parts of France.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks very much Donna, and I had a laugh at your comment regarding “a blogging trifecta”. Not so much the adventurer at the moment, though I must admit to enjoying being “still” as opposed to being a nomad. Nothing like a change of pace.

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  4. I spent a lovely week in Brittany the best part of 20 years ago. I cycled all over and discovered drinkable French cider. I didn’t go anywhere particularly historic, but I enjoyed cycling on roads where the motorists weren’t trying to kill me.

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    1. Always a good thing when on a cycle is to avoid contact with vehicles. We were told to be more cautious after the long lunch was finished and the folk were heading home. No one really worried about drink driving convictions! We loved just the ordinary places and the countryside. We have some great cider here in NZ especially one from the Nelson area.

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  5. Hi Suzanne – I think your photos captured the feel of the area beautifully. I can’t believe there are 3,000 standing stones! That’s amazing in itself. I loved the little town photos and the cross in the water too.
    Thanks for linking up with us at MLSTL and I’ve shared on my SM 😊

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