Jo's Monday Walks, Walks

Walk 1200km Challenge – Aotearoa

In 2021, Wilderness Magazine began the “walk1200km” challenge to celebrate 30 years of publishing their magazine and every year since, the challenge has grown by thousands. Last year, those participants, including our friends, accumulated enough kilometres between them to walk to the moon and back.

Walk 12 hundred kilometres?

A piece of cake, I thought to myself, and it may seem easy when those kilometres are spread over a year though I have a feeling it will hold enough challenge for me as I intend to do more than the 1200kms. I have no intention of fast walking as in training for another half marathon; these 1200-plus kilometres will be enjoyed at a leisurely pace and a few upward climbs just because being sweaty and increasing my heart rate is good for me. So, I am told.

That’s me for 2023, staying focused on putting one foot after another no matter what’s happening in our lives.

Here are glimpses of where I have been … just another 1150+ kms to go

As time is of no consequence when out walking, I enjoy the scenery more; even though I repeatedly go over the same tracks, I don’t tire of them and always find something new to view. This post is all about the beach, being summertime and all.

Always appreciating how lucky I am to spend time with this incredible human being.
Then there are those magical beach moments when it’s time to stop and admire a sunset before heading home.

Linking with another blogger who loves to explore while walking is Jo over at Still Restless Jo.

24 thoughts on “Walk 1200km Challenge – Aotearoa”

  1. Thank you for this, Suzanne. I know you to be one determined lady and if you set out to do something you’ll succeed, and have so much pleasure along the way.
    I may struggle to link this as I’m having laptop troubles, but I’ll do my very best, as, I know, will you. Good luck 🤗💗

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Jo, not a problem if it is not added. You and your laptops 😉 I love walking and just need to get myself organised to do a few tramps in the bush. Basketball is starting up in a few weeks which I am looking forward to seeing the girls and playing again.


    1. Thanks very much, Sarah. Not that I need motivation to do exercise. It is a good thing to support others who aren’t regular walkers. Gives me a focus on what to write about since travel isn’t on the cards in the near future.

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    1. Thanks Natalie, though I very rarely do short walks only on errands or walking with the Squire. Hard to do short ones after years of enjoying longer ones which are more challenging.


    1. We have had a strange and unusual start to our summer. Rain and more rain. Though luckily no major issues in Tauranga though a few hours drive towards the East Coast and the damage from our first Cyclone of the season is more evident.

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